Petpet Battles | Game Guide (2024)

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Petpet Battles | Game Guide (2)

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Petpet Battles Information

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Neopoint Ratio:
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1.00 Points =
1 NP

Our Difficulty Rating:

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High in the skies above Meridell lies the infamous Darigan Castle. On its grounds is a unique Battledome arena—the only one where petpets can test their mettle, build their strength, and gain glory and renown. Unfortunately, your petpets can't win you any Neopoints (despite what the game information says). It's just a casual pastime to, well, pass the time.

Petpet Battles | Game Guide (20)

How to Play

The Petpet Arena is quite a bit simpler than its Neopet counterpart. There's no equipment to worry about, no faerie abilities to grant your battler, and not much you can do in the way of training. All you need is a petpet and a bit of luck.

When you enter the petpet arena, you will automatically battle with the petpet attached to your current active pet. The game will present an opponent within three levels of your petpet, and then all you have to do is win!

Petpet Battles | Game Guide (21)

Note: If you change active pet in the middle of a battle, that new petpet will pick up where your previous petpet left off. The battle won't restart, and the opponent won't change, so beware when switching to a lower-level petpet.

Each move, you can take one of three actions: body blow, head shot, or shield. Here's the attack details:

  • Body Blow: hits more frequently; inflicts 1-17% damage
  • Head Shot: hits less frequently; inflicts 6-23% damage

Note that, while it's possible for a head shot to do less damage than a body blow, it's not common. Your body blows will usually cause single-digit damage, and your head shots will normally land in the teens.

Petpet Battles | Game Guide (22)

Your shield is a little more complicated. You'll start with 100 shield points, and you can lose up to 20 of those points whenever you use it. Most of the time, all your shield does is protect you from damage. (Occasionally, a couple damage points may slip through.)

Sometimes, however, you can also reflect a bit of your opponent's damage back onto them. You can even win a battle with damage done by your shield! For every X shield used, you can do between 16-minus-X and 19-minus-X % damage. If you spend no more than 9 shield points on a turn, you'll also steal 10-minus-X % HP back:

Shield Mechanics

Shield Used HP Healed Damage Reflected
10+ 0% 0-9%
9 1% 7-10%
8 2% 8-11%
7 3% 9-12%
6 4% 10-13%
5 5% 11-14%
4 6% 12-15%
3 7% 13-16%
2 8% 14-17%
1 9% 15-18%
0 10% 16-19%
-1 11% 17-20%

That's right—on very, very rare occasions, you can even use a negative number of shield points! That is, you can regain both health and shield points in the same turn and do a massive amount of damage to your opponent, all at once!

Finally, any time you inflict more than 10% damage from either of your regular attacks, you'll regenerate 1/3 of that damage (rounded) as shield points:

Shield Regeneration

Attack Damage Shield Gained
11-13% 4
14-16% 5
17-19% 6
20-22% 7
23% 8

You aren't limited by that 100 starting number, either. If you hit 17% damage with a full shield, you'll have 106 shield points. By the same token, if you steal 8% health with your shield when you're at 94% HP, you'll have 102% health. Both are only limited by your attack success.


After every battle, you'll see your current score and your win-loss ratio. These records serve two purposes: 1) leveling up your petpet, and 2) winning a trophy.

Every battle you win is worth 1 point, and every battle you lose is worth -1 point. (You can't go below 0.) If you can make it to 10 points, your petpet will gain a level, your score will reset to 0, and for some reason your 10th win won't be added to your win/loss count. Never fear—even if you lose the next 10 battles in a row, your petpet won't lose that level it just won. Levels can only be gained here, not lost.

Petpet Battles | Game Guide (23)
On this day, I lost my first battle, leaving my score at zero. I then won 8/4 of the remaining battles, giving me +8 win points and -4 loss points, for a total of 4.

Note: Your battle score and win-loss ratio are not specific to your petpet. Whoever strikes the winning blow when you reach 10 points gets the new level, even if a different petpet made every other attack but the last.

Whenever your petpet levels up, you're eligible to update your high score for a chance at a trophy. Your high score is your 10 level-up points, plus a bonus dependent on your win/loss ratio. That is, your trophy score is separate from your current battle score.

Your high score is only updated when your petpet levels up. This means that there will never be a user with a score lower than 10 on the high score table.

The exact trophy scoring system is a bit perplexing, but in general you'll score higher the fewer losses you have and the more times you level up. Gain one level, and you'll score 10-20 trophy points; two levels gives you 20-30 points; and three levels gets you 30-40.

Last but not least, you can play a maximum of 33 battles per day (total, not per petpet) for points, after which you'll need to start again from zero the next day. Nominally, the limit is 30, but because your level-up wins aren't counted, you can actually play 33 games if you're lucky enough to level up three times.

If you keep fighting beyond your limit, you'll receive the following message at the end of your 31st (or 34th) battle, instead of the usual score update:

You have played more then 30 games today. You can continue to play Petpet Battles but won't be able to get NP or increase the level of your Petpet.

This is both confusing and slightly disappointing since, of course, you weren't earning NP from the game in the first place.

Petpet Battles | Game Guide (24)

It's also worth noting that the game doesn't carry points over from day to day, so you can't save that nice 9 point record and then level up after a single win the next day. It's 10 points in a day or nothing. A battle which begins on one day and ends on another will count for points on the day it is completed.


Start playing when you have a petpet that has already gained at least one level from either the Petpet Lab Ray, the Turmaculus, or the Symol Hole. Level 1 petpets are at maximum disadvantage (in theory—see below) because they'll never be more experienced than their opponents, and so it takes a lot of luck to get enough wins to level up.

Petpet Battles | Game Guide (25)

Use the active pet switching feature to your advantage. A given petpet of level n can only face opponent levels ranging from n-3 to n+3 (with no opponents below 1 or above 26).

Once you've got a petpet around level 4-5 or more, make sure to keep another low-level petpet equipped to a different pet. Use the low-level petpet to generate your opponent, then use the high-level petpet to defeat them. For example:

  1. After a few days of battling, my pet Sloth_Rules now has a level 5 petpet.
  2. My pet Boo_Sloth, on the other hand, still has a level 1 petpet.
  3. I make Boo_Sloth my active pet and start a new petpet battle. My opponents can only range from level 1 to 4.
  4. Once the battle has begun, I make Sloth_Rules my active pet again, throwing my level 5 petpet into the battle.
  5. My battle petpet is now guaranteed to fight only an opponent of a lower level.

Notice that this is the only way for a level 5+ petpet to battle a level 1 opponent. If I started the battle with my level 5 petpet, I would face an opponent ranging from level 2 to level 8. Yet, since the opponent does not reset when the petpet does, I can face opponents outside the normal range.

While it's perfectly possible to defeat opponents with a higher level than your own, it's difficult and tends to depend a lot on the particular opponent and your luck with the random number generator. Using the pet switch method will give you a much easier time achieving your 10 points for level up and will give you a better shot at a trophy.

Be warned, however: the game does make an effort to compensate for this trick by making opponents below your level range more skilled. If your battler is level 5+, you may find yourself running into suspiciously beefy Saffrons.

Petpet Battles | Game Guide (26)

To mitigate this, keep your secondary petpet about 3-4 levels below your battler. For example, if Sloth_Rules's petpet (Minion) is now all the way up to level 12, Boo_Sloth's petpet (HappyGrundo) should be about level 8. HappyGrundo can generate opponents level 5-11, ensuring that Minion only faces lower-level opponents.

Using just Minion might leave you facing suspiciously beefy level 5 petpets, but those are (of course) fully within HappyGrundo's normal opponent range. So, let HappyGrundo fight opponents below their level, while Minion can take the level 9+ opponents. Use your best judgement about level 8s—these can really go either way.

Last but not least, there's a weird extra detail about those level 1 petpets: the suspiciously beefy Saffron mechanic goes both ways. If your opponent is of a high enough level, those low-level petpets start to be implausibly effective again. So, if you're finding your level 9 opponent trouncing your level 12 petpet, try a level 1 fighter instead and see if you have more luck.

Quick Tips

  • Start with a petpet that's already level 2+ before battling.
  • Keep a second petpet about 3-4 levels below your main battler to switch in as needed.
  • When you're low on shield, use head shots to regenerate it. Body blows only rarely strike hard enough to get shield points.
  • Focus on head shots for opponents at and below your petpet's level.
  • Focus on body blows against stronger opponents who will strike and block you more often. And Biebo. Biebo is a pain.
  • When all else fails, send in a level 1 petpet against a high-level opponent and see what happens.

Opponent List

A huge thanks to pangomon for sending in over a third of these challenger images!

Note: We're still missing a few mid-level challenger images. If you encounter any of these, copy the image link and send it in!

Level 1

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Jekari and Saffron

Level 2

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Enfanta and Quasar

Level 3

Petpet Battles | Game Guide (31) Petpet Battles | Game Guide (32)

Roxalia and Hamilton

Level 4

Petpet Battles | Game Guide (33) Petpet Battles | Game Guide (34)

Bacabro and Flash

Level 5

Petpet Battles | Game Guide (35) Petpet Battles | Game Guide (36)

Brucey B and Biebo

Level 6

Petpet Battles | Game Guide (37) Petpet Battles | Game Guide (38)

Zembao and Viper

Level 7

Petpet Battles | Game Guide (39) Petpet Battles | Game Guide (40)

Sjengora and Tess

Level 8

Petpet Battles | Game Guide (41) Petpet Battles | Game Guide (42)

Goltamo and Gaston

Level 9

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Laiku and Owen

Level 10

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Dr_Death and Daphne

Level 11

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Praxlor and Ambrose

Level 12

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Gelban and Quimby

Level 13

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Kauvara and Viper

Level 14

Petpet Battles | Game Guide (53) Petpet Battles | Game Guide (54)

Delvyn and Andromeda

Level 15

Petpet Battles | Game Guide (55) Petpet Battles | Game Guide (56)

Chelare and Aiko

Level 16

Petpet Battles | Game Guide (57) Petpet Battles | Game Guide (58)

Imiya and Cosmo
If you have Imiya's image URL, please let us know!

Level 17

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Alwain and Burma
If you have Alwain's image URL, please let us know!

Level 18

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Spengler and Ioko
If you have Spengler's image URL, please let us know!

Level 19

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Kiaran and Ciara

Level 20

Petpet Battles | Game Guide (65) Petpet Battles | Game Guide (66)

Orabe and Fury

Level 21

Petpet Battles | Game Guide (67) Petpet Battles | Game Guide (68)

Gorganto and Khan

Level 22

Petpet Battles | Game Guide (69) Petpet Battles | Game Guide (70)

Princess Vyssa and Baine

Level 23

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Pilnu and Chiavo

Level 24

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Valoria and Marcel

Level 25

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Sabre-X and Fang

Level 26

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Alton and Cyrus

Level 27

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Corbinet and Golgoth

Level 28

Petpet Battles | Game Guide (81) Petpet Battles | Game Guide (82)

Zafara Rogue and Sultan

Level 29

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Grimilix and Query

Level 30

Petpet Battles | Game Guide (85) Petpet Battles | Game Guide (86)

Tarkaan and Gadget

Level 31

Petpet Battles | Game Guide (87) Petpet Battles | Game Guide (88)

Scurvy O'Finn and Dreyfus

Level 32

Petpet Battles | Game Guide (89) Petpet Battles | Game Guide (90)

Grundo Chef and Comet

Level 33

Petpet Battles | Game Guide (91) Petpet Battles | Game Guide (92)

Malrau and Festen

Level 34

Petpet Battles | Game Guide (93) Petpet Battles | Game Guide (94)

Dorak and Korsa

Level 35

Petpet Battles | Game Guide (95) Petpet Battles | Game Guide (96)

Count Von Roo and Iona

Level 36

Petpet Battles | Game Guide (97) Petpet Battles | Game Guide (98)

Sir Anton Barrister and Alegra

Level 37

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Noklen and Seymour

Level 38

Petpet Battles | Game Guide (101) Petpet Battles | Game Guide (102)

Hubrid Nox (image is broken/missing in-game) and Dash

Level 39

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Shadow Usul and Harlin

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This game guide was written by: Zelda

This page was last updated on May 16, 2024.

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Petpet Battles | Game Guide (2024)


How to win the petpet battle? ›

There is no strategy for this game as you will have to see if you can win or not, simply as that. Note that the level of your petpet does not matter besides playing in Neopets Petpet Battles so thinking that it helps your Neopet become stronger, etc is not true at all.

How to gain petpet levels? ›

Every battle you win is worth 1 point, and every battle you lose is worth -1 point. (You can't go below 0.) If you can make it to 10 points, your petpet will gain a level, your score will reset to 0, and for some reason your 10th win won't be added to your win/loss count.

How do I stop playing with Petpet? ›

Click the petpet, then once on the pet's Petpet profile page click the "Stop playing with [Petpet's Name]" button, and the Petpet will be returned to your inventory. If you have a PIN enabled here, you'll need to enter that before clicking the button.

Where is the Petpet Arena in Neopets? ›

The Petpet Battledome is in the Darigan Citadel, on the bottom left corner of the map. It is also accessible through the Action games section, Petpet Battles. You have to have a score of ten to gain a level, and every time you lose a battle, your score decreases by one.

Can you lose your Petpet Symol hole? ›

There haven't been any reports of petpets going missing or getting kidnapped by Symol, but that doesn't mean the risk doesn't exist. For now, this seems like a safe way to use your petpet for profit. The Petpet Arena is like a miniature Battledome except for petpets instead of your Neopet.

What is the fastest way to level up battle pets? ›

The most effective way to level up pets (apart from using Training Stones) is fighting against trainers. The majority of those encounters grant 5x more experience than defeating wild pets. Unfortunately a lot of those are limited to just one fight a day.

What is the point of petpets? ›

Petpets are pets for Neopets. Unlike Neopets, the player does not have to care for them, but some Petpets may eat items out of the player's inventory.

How do you get 8 bit Petpet? ›

8-Bit Petpets are only available from the Petpet Lab Ray.

How do you get a birthday Petpet? ›

Birthday Petpets are rare creatures that are only obtainable through opening a Birthday Goodie Bag or by using the Petpet Lab Ray (if such an experimental and dangerous device exists…).

Can you remove zapped petpets? ›

Zapping Your Petpet. Once you have access to the Petpet Lab Ray, you may zap any Petpet currently attached to any of your Neopets. You cannot zap a Petpet in your inventory. If you ever choose to remove your Petpet from your Neopet, the Petpet will revert back to its original form.

Why can't i paint my petpet? ›

Painting Your Petpet

You cannot paint any Petpet; there are some exceptions: Any Petpet that has had their species or colour changed via the Petpet Lab Ray cannot be painted. For example, if you zapped an Altachuck with the ray and it was morphed into a Kadoatie, you couldn't then paint the Kadoatie a different colour.

How to take away petpets? ›

To do this click on your pets name in the yellow side bar (or click on Quick Ref). When this page loads click on the petpet you wish to remove. A new page will now appear, at the bottom there is a button that says 'Stop playing with petpet'. Click this and the petpet will now be returned to your items.

When was Petpet Park shut down? ›

Shutdown. On September 18, 2014, Neopets closed Petpet Park after being purchased by JumpStart.

When did Neopets close? ›

Neopets is officially under new management, following the closure of parent company Jumpstart in June 2023. While it briefly appeared that the beloved online pet simulator would be shut down, a new blog has confirmed The Neopets Team (TNT) will now take full ownership of the website, to keep it running in future.

How to give a petpet a petpetpet? ›

Once you have the Petpetpet in your inventory, make sure that the Petpet you want to attach it to is on your active Neopet, then go to your inventory page and keep refreshing until the Petpetpet disappears. Then go to check on your Petpet on the homepage or in Quick Ref to make sure that it has attached!

How do you get battle pet to fight? ›

To start battling pets, the player must first train the skill at any of the battle pet trainers located throughout Azeroth. The battle pet trainer teaches the basics of the combat system and introduces the battle pet progression system too.

How do you beat Patchu pet battle? ›

Patchu - World Quest Strategy

Easy Strategy: Use a level 1 pet with an Undead ability, a level 1 pet with an Elemental ability, and a level 1 pet with a Dragonkin ability. Has your Mechanical death ability activated? If yes (you are one hit off dying), use Wind-Up. If not, use Supercharge, then Wind-Up.

How do you give Petpetpet to Petpet? ›

Once you have the Petpetpet in your inventory, make sure that the Petpet you want to attach it to is on your active Neopet, then go to your inventory page and keep refreshing until the Petpetpet disappears. Then go to check on your Petpet on the homepage or in Quick Ref to make sure that it has attached!

How do you pet battle critters? ›

When you've chosen a wild pet you would like to battle, right click on the critter and it will take you into a unique Pet Battle UI. You can't engage a Pet Battle if you are in combat, and any attack from a player or nearby creature will remove you from the Pet Battle.


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