St. Cloud Times from Saint Cloud, Minnesota (2024)

I See by the Times Month's Weather Max Min Rg Mn Pre Sept. 71 Sept. 0 83 Sept. 3 72 Sept. ..59 The sun sets at rises at 5:44 a.m.

51 2 20 61 .00 48 35 66 .00 46 26 59 .00 40 19 50 1.12 6:48 p.m. today; Thursday. Degree Days (U. S. Weather Bureau) Normal number July 1 to June 30, 8,893, Sept.

4, 15 degree days. Year ago, 2 degree days. Cumulative since July 1, 94 degree days. Last season, 12 degree days. Fuel consumption to Sept.

4, percent, Weather Forecast Minnesota: Mostly cloudy and cool with scattered showers and thunderstorms this afternoon; partly cloudy northwest, decreasing cloudiness with showers ending southeast tonight; continued cool; Thursday partly cloudy, warmer extreme northwest; low tonight 38-45 north, 44-50 south; high Thursday 55-65. 24-Hour Temperature Report Tuesday 9 a.m. ......50 5.p.m. 53 a.m, ......51 6 p.m. .52 a.m.

.....56 7 p.m. .51 12 m. .56 8 p.m. .....50 1 p.m. ....57 9 p.m.

..49 2 p.m. ate ....57 10 p.m. .48 3 p.m. .56 11 p.m. ..48 4 p.m.

.54 12 47 Wednesday 1 a.m. ...48 5 a.m. .48 2 a.m, .49 6 a.m, .48 3 a.m. .49 7 a.m. .50 4 a.m.

.49 8 a.m. .50 Weather Range Minneapolis UP Weather: Hi Lo Alexandria 58 47 Bemidji 57 44 Intl. Falls 60 41 Redwood Falls 58 48 Rochester 68 51 St. Cloud 49 46 Duluth 57 46 Twin Cities 64 50 La Crosse 71 73 Madison 74 58 Des Moines 71 58 Mason City 69 51 Rapid City 50 41 Minot 56 42 Fargo 57 46 Chicago 77 66 Helena 57 31 Seattle 73 55 Los Angeles 85 60 Denver 73 44 Kansas City 93 69 New York 81 69 Washington 86 71 Miami. 82 73 New Orleans 89 73 Calgary 52 30 Edmonton 49 34 Regina 47 33 Winnipeg 53 40 Marriage Licenses Sylvester George Janochoski, avenue north, Cloud; Corrine Genevieve Henkemeyer, route 3, St.

Cloud. Roger Bernard Dufner, 2436 South Bloomington, Minneapolis; Dolores Rosina Kerkering, Melrose. Donald Duaine Erickson, route 2, Kimball; Mary Lou Robinson, route 2, Kimball. LeRoy Joseph Schreifels, 820-11 avenue south, St. Cloud; Beatrice Agnes Brausen, 214-22 avenue north, St.

Cloud. Ronald Michael McKinley, 1804 Prairie, Glenview, Illinois; Elaine Leona Hollenhorst, 320 Eighth avenue south, St. Cloud. Births Girl to Mrs. Donald Fritz, 32-22 avenue south.

Girl to Mrs. Richard Shaw, 22 Riverside Drive N.E. Boy to Mrs. Leonard Spanier, 302 Eighth avenue south. Boy to Mrs.

Elmer Philippi, route 4, St. Cloud. Boy to Mrs. Roman J. Brix, Avon.

Fires 3:31 p.m., 933-10 avenue south, oil heater. Traffic Tags Chicago About two of seven auto drivers in the U.S. have been given police tags for one or another kind of traffic violations over. the recent years. Giant Motors Spokane Two electric motors with capacities of 65,000 horsepower have been installed in the Grand Coulee dam in Washington for the purpose of pumping for irrigation projects.

6-Day Schools London Russian school children attend their classes regularly on six days a week. SLOW LIVE The St. Cloud Daily Times Sept. 5, 1956 19 Grain Market MINNEAPOLIS GRAIN FUTURES Minneapolis (P)- Wheat- High Low Close Dee May Jly 235 Oats Sep Dec May RyeSep Dee 146 FlaxSep 322 322 Dec 329 SoybeansNov 219 MINNEAPOLIS GRAIN CLOSE Minneapolis (P) -Wheat receipts Tuesday year ago trading basis higher; prices higher; cash spring wheat basis, No. 1 dark northern 2.27%; spring wheat 1 cent premium each lb over 58 lbs: spring wheat 1 cent discount each lb under 58 lbs: protein premium 12-16 percent, 2.28⅜-2.52%.

No. 1 hard Montana winter 2.23%-2.36⅜. No. 1 hard 2.20%-2.33%. Milling, durum: fancy 2.53-2.56; choice 2.41-2.54; medium 2.16-2.50; ordinary 2.00-2.43.

Corn, No. 2 yellow, 1.44-1.46. Oats, No. 2 white No. 3 white No.

2 heavy white No. 3 heavy white Barley, bright color straw color stained feed 85-95. Rye, No. 2, 1.39¼-1.42¼. Flax, No.

1, 3.25. Soybeans, No. 1 yellow, 2.26¾. CHICAGO CASH GRAIN Chicago (P). Wheat: No.

2 red 2.19- No. 1 hard 2.19¼: No. 2, 2.16¾-17¼; No. 2 yellow hard 2.17; No. 3 mixed 2.17.

No soybeans, rye or corn. Oats: No. heavy white No. 2 sample grade heavy white 71. Soybean oil 11.00; soybean meal 49.00.

Barley nominal; malting choice 1.30-45; feed CHICAGO CASH GRAIN Chicago (P) Grains sold off on the Board of Trade Tuesday although wheat showed resistance to the selling pressure. Soybeans were quite weak at times, reflecting brilliant crop prospects, September future lost the most ground. Corn also was under mild pressure and in this grain, too, September was weakest. Some commission house demand was noted in wheat as export business was returned to the private trade. It was also felt that some demand came from export houses.

Large local traders were mostly on the selling side. Wheat closed lower, September corn lower, September oats lower, September rye lower, September soybeans lower, September 2.33 and lard 5 to 27 cents a hundred pounds higher, September Landscaping BOD, Grading laid or black delivered. dirt. Free Dial BL estimates. 1-7644, Donovan Landscaping.

Funeral Directors TSCHUMPERLIN-WILLIAMS 315 St. Germain Dial BL 2-2522 DANIEL FUNERAL HOME 11-7th Ave. No. Dial BL 1-0383 COLBERT FUNERAL HOME 18-5th Ave. So.

Dial BL 2-1020 Lost and Found LOST: Sterling silver cigarette case. BL 1-7650. LOST: Boy's grey denim "Billy the Kid" jacket while fishing near power house, reward. Dial BL 1-2590. LOST: Pair child's brown oxfords, size 2 Fleet-Aire, Saturday afternoon around Kresges.

Reward. Dial BL 1-8910. FOUND: A misplaced coat at St Stephen's dance Aug. 30; owner may have by identifying and paying for ad. Ray Vouk, mi.

So. of St. Stephen. FOUND: Light brown billfold. Call after BL 2-1628.

FOUND: Hunting bow. BL 1-5694. STRAYED: Female black white part Labrador, female black mongrel. Will be disposed of after being impounded 72 hrs. if not called for.

CHARGE Henry Boese, 1st Ave. 16th St. So. Card of Thanks We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to all who extended to US, their sympathetic acts of kindness during bereavement of our dearly beloved Wife Mother, Rose Klaverkamp. Special thanks for the spiritual floral offerings, the pallbearers and neighbors, relatives and friends, for their help and expressions of sympathy.

Signed: Fred Klaverkamp children. Painting Decorating FOR painting and paper hanging, call J. B. Bettenberg, BL 1-9330. PAINTING and paperhanging.

Call P. J. Fischer. Dial BL 1-6653. FOR Real Workmanship Economy and Satisfaction Rely On DECORATING SERVICE Howard Johnson Richard Linden 1263-10th Ave.

North DIAL BL 1-1656 or BL 1-3675 for FREE ESTIMATES COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL Paper Hanging Interior Exterior Painting Floor Finishing Refinishing GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP Business Service CESSPOOLS BUILT, repaired and pumped Dial BL 1-8763. Joseph Surma FILL and black dirt Delivered Dial BL 1-8763. and repairing cesspools. Dial PUMPINg, Bus. Opportunities ROUTE for Sale.

Amusem*nt games $2,500 down, good income. Write S-36 Times. FOR SALE: Small wholesale business, investment necessary, Can be developed into large business. Dial BL 1-0706. CABIN truck stop site, Hwy, 10 No.

ROUTINE REAL ESTATE BL 1-8961 BEER Tavern, all modern with living qtrs. Sacrafice for quick sale. Best- of terms. 28 miles south of St. Cloud on Hwy.

15. Riverside Tavern, Kingston, Minn. 3.2 BEER tavern lunch in St. Cloud, doing very good business, for sale very reas. Write T-16 Times.

LEASEE WANTED For New PURE OIL STATION 5th Ave. 2nd Street South St. Cloud Contact or Call Northwestern Oil 514 E. St. Germain Dial-BL 1-6101 Livestock Markets SO.

ST. PAUL LIVESTOCK South St. Paul USDA -Cattle calves very active trade on slaughter steers and heifers; strong to 50 higher than Tuesday with kinds grading choice and up fully 50 higher; cows uneven but generally steady; bulls steady to 50 lower; Kosher holiday a bearish factor: load prime 1,434 lb steers 29.50; new high since February 1955; several loads average choice steers 1050-1300 lb 27.50-28.00; bulk good and choice steers and yearlings 22.00- 27.00; numerous loads average choice heifers 850-950 lbs 24.00-24.90; utility and commercial cows 10.00-12.00; cutter and utility bulls 12.50-14.00: vealers weak to 1.00 lower; good and choice 17.00-22.00: good and choice slaughter calves 14.00- 16.00; stocker and feeder classes steady; common and medium stock steers 11.00- 15.00. Produce Markets Local egg paying prices .16 to .34 range. CHICAGO PRODUCE Chicago (P)-Butter steady; wholesale buying prices unchanged; receipts 93 score AA 60; 92 A 90 89 cars 90 89 Eggs about steady; wholesale buying prices unchanged; receipts percent A white mixed mediums 32; standards 32; ditties checks current receipts 28.

Chicago -Potatoes new stock CHICAGO, arrivals 348; on track 339; total U.S. shipments, (Friday 401, Saturday 170, Sunday 34, Monday 34; supplies moderate, demand good, market about steady, Carlot track sales: washed per hundred pound sacksMinnesota-North Dakota Red River Valley warbas U.S. 1A 2.35-2.75; Minnesota sandland pontiacs 2.40; Wisconsin round reds U.S. 1A 2.35-2.50; russet gems 2.15. CHICAGO POULTRY Chicago (P)-USDA-Live poultry about steady; weak on hens, steady on balance; receipts 1,242 coops (Friday 1,722 coops, 175,000 lb); fob paying prices unchanged to lower; heavy hens 16-17; mostly light hens 15-16; old roosters 15-16; caponettes over lb 27-28; under lb ducklings 24.

CHICAGO EGG FUTURES Chicago (P)- Storage EggsHigh Low Close Sep 3395 3340 3365 Oct 3500 3405 3435 Nov 3500 3440 3465 Dee 3525 3485 3500 Jan 3500 3450 3465 NEW YORK POULTRY New York (P)-USDA--Dressed Turkeys unsettled; squabs about steady, ducks steady. Turkeys, fresh, ice packed; fryer-roasters 6-10 lbs young hens 10-16 lbs 37-38; 20-22 young toms 12-14 lbs 32-34; 14-20 lbs 33-34; lbs 34-35: 22-24 lbs 35-37; 24-26 lbs 36-39; 26-28 lbs 41-44; 28 lbs and up 43-45. doz. ice packed 11 lbs and up per Squabs, 75-80: 9-10 lbs per doz 63-70; ducks, Long Island, bbis and crates fresh ice packed boxes frozen frozen ready-to-cook NEW YORK PRODUCE New York (P)-USDA -Butter steady; receipts prices unchanged. Cheese steady; receipts prices unchanged.

Wholesale egg prices barely steady to weak; receipts 24,200. (Wholesale selling prices based on change and other volume sales). New York spot quotations follow, includes midwestern: mixed colors: extras (48-50 lbs) 45-46; extra large (45-48 lbs) 43-45; Auction Sales STRANGE SIGHTS IN SKY- -This is the first flight picture of a strange shape southern Californians ar seeing in the sky, a new navy radar plane being tested by Lockheed Aircraft corporation, Burbank, Calif. The unique aircraft is a Super Constellation with a 30-foot wide "flying saucer" Physicists Take Solids Apart for New Products By Sam Dawson New York (P)-Curiosity about what goes on inside a solid hunk of matter is costing some corporations plenty. It's likely to cost them more because expensive research facilities are being expanded.

extras medium smalls 20-21: standards large 33-34; dirties 27-28; checks 25-27. Whites: extras (48-50 lbs) 47-48; extras large (45-48 lbs) 45-46; extras medium 32-33. Browns: extras (48-50 lbs) 47-49. Financial Markets WALL STREET CLOSE New York (P) -The stock market broke away from its irregularity late Tuesday afternoon as steels and motors improved in active trading, bolstering previous leadership by aircrafts. Pivotal stocks posted gains ranging to about 3 points while the losers remained generally within a 1-point range.

Volume for the day was estimated at around 1,800,000 shares compared with 1,620,000 on Friday. The market was active and higher from the start but within the first hour settled into irregularity. It remained sluggish until late afternoon when the leading groups began to wake up. Bethlehem Steel picked up around 3 points and U.S. Steel gained a point.

AUCTION Due to the death of my husband, I will sell all the personal property to the highest bidder at Public Auction on the Anton Schulte farm, located mile north of Freeport on county road. WATCH FOR ARROWS. Sale will be held on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, Starting at 1:00 sharp, lunch wagon on grounds. 6 HIGH GRADE HOLSTEIN COWS: Cows are from 4 to 7 yrs. old to freshen in Dec.

Jan. Bangs tested clean. Breeding dates will be given on day of sale. MACHINERY EQUIPMENT: 1944 Mpls. Mo.

Tractor in very good overhauled last spring. Mpls. M. 2 row tractor cultivator to fit 1948 Farmall super A tractor, good tires, touch control. MCD 7 ft.

power mower, to fit A tractor 1 row trac. cultivator fit super comb. dozer leveling blade to Super McD mounted corn planter with fert. att. for super McD fit 16 in.

mounted plow, Mpls. 2 bot. 16 in. trac. plow, Mpls.

22 double disc all steel grain drill, MeD ft. field cultivator, power lift, New Holland trailer. farm 2 rubber-tired farm trailers, steel wheel wagon, wagon box, steel grain box, Mpls. manure spreader, corn sheller with motor grain cleaner grader, like new, grind stone stand, horse cultivator, 2 section harrow, 3 barrels, 55 gas 100 gal. whey tank, some steel fence posts, hay rack, some steel wood hog troughs, steel hog feeders for little pigs, 1 10-hole steel hog feeder, steel riding cultivator lot of farm tools, Minn.

8 ft. grain binder, lawn power mower, reel type, lot of chicken feeders fountains, medium sized stock tank. Many other farm items too numerous to mention. HOGS: 21 Feeder pigs, wgt. about 60 lbs.

OATS: 1800 bu. of very good dry oats. PICK-UP Truck, 1946 Dodge ton pickup. HOUSEHOLD. GOODS.

TERMS: Usual Auction Terms. MRS. SOPHIE SCHULTE, OWNER John A. Frieler, Auctioneer, Rt. 1, Melrose.

Phone Greenwald 5526. Freeport State Bank, Clerk. I am discontinuing farming and will sell located 16 mi. No. of Foley or being 4 Morrill township.

(At Ramey corner, No. 21 mi. then E. mi. AUCTION at public auction the following property mi.

No. East of Ramey in Section 13, turn right, travel to school house turn SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8TH Sale starts at 1:00 P.M. Sharp Lunch by Brennyville Ladies Aid 21 HEAD OF CATTLE: Hols. cow 3 yrs. to freshen Dec.

10, Hols. cow 6 yrs. to freshen Oct. 18. Hols.

cow 4 yrs. to freshen Nov. 24, Hols. cow 6 yrs. to freshen Jan.

17, Red White cow 6 yrs. to freshen Nov. 19, Hols. cow 5 yrs. old to freshen Oct.

25, Hols. cow 3 yrs. to freshen Dec. 26, Hols. cow 5 yrs.

to freshen Mar. 15, Hols. cow 6 yrs. to freshen Nov. 21, Hols.

heifer yrs. to freshen Oct. 19, Hols. heifer yrs. to freshen Apr.

3 6 Hols. yearling heifers, 4 Hois. heifers 2 yrs. old. Bangs tested Herd Clean.

No Suspects or Reactors. Farm Machinery: Int. Farmall tractor model F-14 with hydraulic pump, Int. tractor, Int. F-14 Tractor Int.

A tractor Int. Little Wonder tractor plow 2 bottom 14 inch, Int. 7 ft. tractor mower. Int.

hay loader, Minn. side rake, John Deere manure spreader, 10 ft. dump rake, 3 sec. steel drag, bicycle, rod reel John Deere 2 sec. spring tooth, trailer wagon, bob sled, potato digger, wire stretcher, 300 ft.

of rope, Int. 2 row tractor corn planter, Farm Crest 2 unit milker pipeline, DeLaval cream separator, tank heater, sweed saw, cattle dehorner, elect. fan, hay slings, gas oil drums, some lumber logs, some grain sacks grindstone, elec. fencer, saw arbor, cyclone seeder, basem*nt elec. motor pump, brooder stove, 500 chick size, feeders fountains, 125 oak fence posts, pile block wood split, some cream cans.

Misc. farm tools. FEED: 200 bu. oats, 5 A. good stand.

corn, A. of Buckwheat, 10 A. 2nd cutting Reed Canary stumpage, 4 ton hay in barn. HOUSEHOLD: Kitchen heater 2 burner, 1 minute Washing oil burner, buffet, oil burner, davenport, bed spring, 2 dressers, Electrolux vacuum cleaner, 2 vanity dressers, 2 Rockers chairs, wool rug 9x10 size, some throw rugs. FOR RENT: This 120 Acre improved farm for rent.

TERMS: Usual Auction Terms. ANTHONY TRACZIK M. J. Henry Foley, Rt. 3, Auctioneer, First State Bank of Gilman, Clerk.

HOUSEHOLD AUCTION We are leaving the city will sell the following property at public auction located at 421 Raymond Ave. Northeast, St. Cloud Saturday, September 8 Sale Starts 1:00 1-Crosley Elec. Stove, 1953 mod. 3 burner with deep well, in excellent condition; 1-Crosley Shelvador 9' 1-High chair; 1-Kitchen step stool; 1-Youth chair; 1 Duncan Phyfe Dining room table with 6 chairs, blond finish 1-red studio couch; 2-End tables; 2-Desks; 1-3-way floor lamp; 1-table lamp; 2-matching occasional chairs; 2-rocking chairs 1-bookcase; 1-clothes hamper; 1-training chair; 1-dresser with mirror; 1-maple double bed complete; 1-good baby bed; 1-bedroom set complete with double bed, chest of drawers, vanity and bench; 1-maple youth bed; 1-wardrobe with mirror: 1-small chest; 1-iron double bed; 1-5-drawer chest of drawers; 1-4-drawer chest of drawers; 1-vanity and bench; 1-set of bunk beds; 1-upholstered child's rocking chair; 1-Teter Babe; 1-work 1-wood frame table saw: 1-new elec.

power mower; 4-large children's toy boxes; 1-metal doll house and many very good toys; 2--lawn chairs; 1-Maytag washer; 1-kitchen cabinet; 1-outdoor play gym; 1-26" girl's bike; 1-26" boy's bike; 2-- tricycles; 1-5' step ladder and many other items. Ed. Harder, Owner B. G. Varner, Auctioneer St.

Cloud National Bank, Clerk T. G. Varner A. B. Inderrieden Jews Gather to Start New Year New York P- Jews gather 111 temples and synagogues throughout the world at sundown today to observe the start of Rosh Hashanah-the Jewish New Year.

Rosh Hashanah marks the beginning of the 10 high holy days of penitence in the Jewish faith. The period of contrition and religious self- examination will end Sept. 15 with Yom Kippur, the Jewish day of atonement and most sacred day in the Jewish calendar. New York Six to 10 skins go into an average fur coat of genI uine sealskin. RADIO PROGRAMS These programs are published daily, without charge, as a public service to our readers.

This newspaper is not responsible for last-minute program changes. KFAM-FM (NBC) WCCO (CBS) WJON (ABC) 4p type radome fastened to top. Radomes, which carry equipment for detection of enemy bomber planes approaching U. have usually been in shape of a simple dome fastened to fuselage. (AP photo) By learning how some electrons can move in the solid matter under the influence of electric or magnetic fields or under the influence of light of certain energy or wave lengths, scientists have developed such things as: Nonmetallic magnets used in compu-10 tors of advanced design; nonme-11 tallic powders used in modern tape recorders; solid state rectifiers to transform alternating current to direct current.

They are now seeking to perfeet: Intermetallics, which they describe as completely new materials with properties not found in materials used by industry today; new catalysts to speed up chemical and physical reactions in industrials processes; new types of TV receiving and transmitting tubes; and a host of new electronic marvels. Dr. W. R. G.

Baker, vice president of General Electric in Syracuse, says, "our research and development engineers are busy constantly devloping new products." SAFETY HINTS from the Red Cross Skylarking on the beach may be all right if you don't interfere with the comfort of others. Select an open space for your horseplay, If there isn't one, quiet down- don't harass others. The reason: What scientists call solid state physics has been rewarding many companies with profitable products they couldn't make 10 years ago. One example is the transistor, the little rod that can replace some radio tubes. Industrialists freely predict that within the next 10 years the major share of many businesses will come from products not now in production.

National Carbon next month will open a multimillion-dollar laboratory in Parma, Ohio, to concentrate on chemical and solid state physics. Bell Telephone Laboratories' work in that field brought about the solar battery operated by the rays of the sun. U.S. Steel opened a research center a few months ago in the Pittsburgh area, where solid state physics is applied particularly to metals. Other steel companies' research scientists work on specific problems in the same field.

They learn, for example, about the strength and fatigue of metals, how to improve the one and forestall the other. Solid state physics studies the ties that bind atoms together in solid matter and the movement of the electrons surrounding the nucleus of the atom. Nuclear physics, on the other hand, studies the core of the atom and from this study comes those loud bangs in the Pacific ocean and the Siberian wastes. The study of solids, however, is concerned more with development of materials and processes for the metal, eletronics, power, chemical and electro-chemical industries. WRECKAGE OF SLO-MO-SHUN IV- -This is what is left of the Gold Cup entry Slo-Mo-Shun IV after it hit the wake of another boat in a test run on the Detroit River in preparation for the Gold Cup trophy race.

Its driver, Joe Taggart was seriously injured. At the time of the crash Taggart's speed was 140 miles per hour. (AP photo) DOWN LITTLE unidentified youth leaps on a sprinting calf during scramble at Lincoln County fair, North Platte, Neb. Boys and calves are turned loose together in arena and boys who successfully wrestle and tie calves get to keen them. (AP photo) Wednesday Afternoon 4:00 Old Time Melodies Musicland 4:15 Sports 4:30 Traffic Jam 4:45 Observation 5:00 Traffic Jam: Weather Allen Jackson 5:15 Regional News 5:30 Cisco Kid Markets: 5:45 Lowell Thomas USA Club 1240 Polka Poppin Show News Polka Poppin Show Eddie Fisher Time Sports: Law Weather-News-Sports Bill Stern Wednesday Evening 6:00 News Twilight Time Safety Show 6:15 Sports Highlites Dick Enroth 6:30 Morgan Beatty Bing Crosby Gene Nelson Show 6:45 One Man's Family Edward R.

Murrow News 3 7:00 Truth or Consequences Weather: Card Public Service 7:15 Edward P. Morgan 7:30 Bull Pen Serenade Be My Guest 7:45 News! 8:00 Baseball or Music News: My Son Jeep Be My Guest 8:15 Johnny Dollar 8:30 Eddie Arnold 8:45 News 9:00 Suspense Be My Guest 9:15 9:30 News: Amos 'n' Andy 9:45 News 10:00 News Be My Guest 10:15 News Analysis: Sports 10:30 Spins and Needles Starlight Salute Thursday Morning 7:00 Alex Dreier CBS News 7:15 Overnite Extra DeHaven News Weather: TNT Club 7:30 Musical Almanac First Bank Notes News: TNT Club 7:45 Weather 8:00 News Musical Clock Breakfast Club 8:15 Easy Morning 8:30 Enroth News 8:45 Breakfast with Bob 9:00 News: Easy Morning Arthur Godfrey Time My True Story 9:15 9:30 When a Girl Marries News Whispering Streets 9:45 10:00 Social Calendar Meg Kingbay Show News: Morning Melodies 10:15 Dig for Dough Lady I've Got Your Number 10:30 Neighbor News 10:45 11:00 Central Minn. Jamb. Wendy Warren Moving with Van Backstage Wife Births 11:15 Central Minn. Jamb.

Howard Miller Newsstand: Van 11:30 11:45 Party Line: Bulletin Thursday Afternoon 12:00 Weather: Farm News 12:15 News 12:30 Central Minn. Jamb. 12:45 1:00 Day Dreaming 1:15 1:30 1:45 2:00 Five Star Matinee 2:15 2:30 Hilltop House 2:45 Pepper Young's Family 3:00 Woman in My House 3:15 News 3:30 Fred Waring 3:45 4:00 Old Time Melodies 4:15 Sports 4:30 Traffic Jam 4:45 Observation 5:00 Traffic Jam: Weather 5:15 5:30 Cisco Kid 5:45 6:00 News 6:15 Sports Highlites 6:30 Morgan Beatty 6:45 One Man's Family 7:00 People are Funny 7:15 7:30 Bull Pen Serenade 7:45 8:00 Baseball or Music 8:15 8:30 8:45 9:00 9:15 9:29 9:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 Spins and Needles Report: Good Neighbor Weather-News News: Paul Harvey Adams News Paul Harvey: Varieties Our Gal Sunday Noontime Varieties Helen Trent Sam's Show Second Mrs. Burton Aunt Jenny Pat Buttrum News House Party Club 1240 Young Dr. Malone News Kitchen Klub Road of Life Club 1240 Allen Gray U.S.A.

News Music Made in Club 1240 Polka Poppin Show News Weather: Allen Jackson Polka Poppin Show News-Markets co*ke Time Markets: Sports: Law Weather-News-Sports Lowell Thomas Bill Stern Thursday Evening Time Safety Show Twilight Dick Enroth Gene Nelson Show Bing Crosby News Edward R. Murrow Weather: Jergen Nash Public Service Edward P. Morgan Be My Guest News News: My Son Jeep Be My Guest Johnny Dollar Eddie Arnold News 21st Precinct Be My Guest News: Amos 'n' Andy News News Be My Guest News Analysis: Sports Starlight Salute TELEVISION KSTP WMIN-WTCN WCCO Channel 5 Channel 11 Channel 4 WEDNESDAY 4:00 Axel and His Dog 5:00 Gene Autry 5:50 Political Talk 5:55 Weather 6:00 News 6:15 Sports 6:15 News 6:30 Union Report 6:45 TBA 7:00 The Millionaire 7:30 I've Got a Secret 8:00 20th Century Fox 9:00 Frankie Laine 10:00 Whats My Line 10:30 News 10:40 Weather 10:45 Spotlight 11:00 Movie 5:40 Tele-Farmer 6:00 Will Rogers Jr. 6:25 News and Weather 6:30 Will Rogers Jr. 6:55 News and Weather 7:00 Capt.

Kangaroo 7:25 News and Weather 7:30 Capt. Kangaroo 7:55 News and Weather 8:00 Of All Things 8:30 Peter Lind Hayes 9:30 Strike it Rich 10:00 Valiant Lady 10:15 Love of Life 10:30 Search for Tomorrow 10:45 Guiding Light 11:00 Take Five 11:05 Mel Jass Show 11:30 As the World Turns 12:00 News 12:15 Weather 12:20 Pastor's Study 12:30 Houseparty 1:00 The Big Payoif 1:30 Bob Crosby 2:00 Brighter Day 2:15 Secret Storm 2:30 Edge of Night 3:00 Around the Town 3:45 This is The Story 4:00 Axel and his Dog 5:00 Roy Rogers 5:50 Political Taik 5:55 Weather 6:00 News 6:10 Sports 6:15 News 6:30 Sgt. Preston 7:00 Dr. Hudson's Journal 7:30 Four Star Playhouse 8:00 Arthur Murray Party 8:30 Liberace 9:00 Bob Cummings 9:30 Climax 10:30 News 10:40 Weather Tower 10:45 Hunting and Fishing 11:15 Movie 4:30 Cartoon Carnival 4:30 TN Tatters 5:00 Mickey Mouse Club 5:00 Captain Daryl 6:00 Crusader Rabbit 5:25 Political Talk Fischer 6:05 News 5:30 Eddie Caravan 6:15 News 5:45 News 6:30 Disneyland 6:00 News Should Know 7:30 Dunninger 6:15 You 6:30 Father Knows Best 8:00 Boxing 7:00 Kraft 9:00 Screen Directors TV Theatre 8:30 Ringside Roundtable 8:00 This is Your Life Playhouse 8:30 I Led 3 9:30 Eddy Arnold Lives 9:00 Press Conference 10:00 Movies 9:30 Studio 57 11:30 News 10:00 News 10:15 Weather 11:20 Sports 10:30 Mr. District Attorney 111:00 Tonight THURSDAY 6:15 Farm News 9:00 Tel-a-Story Folger Show 9:30 J.

P. Patches 6:30 Billy 10:00 Romper itoom 6:55 News Today 11:00 Beulah 7:00 News 11:30 Cash Carry 7:25 Today 11:45 Main Street 7:30 7:55 News 11:55 News 8:00 Ding Dong School 12:00 News 8:30 T. N. Tatters 12:30 Florian Zabach Home 1:00 Afternoon Film 9:00 10:00 Tie Tae Dough Festival 10:30 It Could be You 3:00 News 11:00 Treasure Chest 3:05 Movie Main Street 4:30 Cartoon Carnival 11:45 5:00 Mickey Mouse Club 12:00 News 12:15 Weather 6:00 Crusader Rabbit 12:20 Main Street 6:05 Weatherbird Tennessee Ernie 6:10 News 12:30 Matinee Theatre 6:15 Newa 1:00 2:00 Queen for a Day 6:30 Movie Romances 8:00 Cowboy G-Men 2:45 Modern It's Always Jan 8:30 Lone Ranger 3:00 Roundup Time 9:00 Public Defender 3:30 TN Tatters 9:30 I married Joan 4:30 5:00 Captain Daryl 10:00 Movie 5:30 Snooky Lanson 11:30 News 5:45 News Caravan 6:00 News 6:15 You Should Know 6:30 Topper 7:00 Peoples Choice 7:30 Ford Theatre 8:00 Lux Video Theater 9:00 Best of Groucho 9:30 Dragnet 10:00 News 10:15 Weather 10:20 Sports 10:30 City Detective 11:00 Tonight.

St. Cloud Times from Saint Cloud, Minnesota (2024)


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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

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Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.